Conditions of membership
Membership in the Association implies access to participation in its activities in the following areas:
Promoting participants' initiatives in improving the regulatory framework and inclusion in government programs
Establishing sustainable inter-industry and international relations, searching for new business niches, expanding the network of business contacts
Formation of a strategy for the development of the industry of rare and rare earth metals and related industries, promotion of proposals to increase the level of localization of production
Advertising your business under the brand of the Association
Media support
Information about market events, access to analytics

The Regulation on membership fees of the Association establishes the following types of fees:
- The entrance membership fee for all categories of members of the Association is 100 (one hundred) thousand rubles.
- Annual (regular) membership fees for 2025:
- for category 3 members of the Association in the amount of 165 000 (one hundred sixty-five thousand) rubles;
- for category 2 members of the Association in the amount of 550 000 (five hundred fifty thousand) rubles;
- for category 1 members of the Association in the amount of 1 100 000 (one million one hundred thousand) rubles;
- for the category “Science and Education” in the amount of 165 000 (one hundred sixty-five thousand) rubles.
The Regulation on membership fees of the Association establishes the following types of fees:
- Entrance fee
- Annual (regular) membership fees
- earmarked contributions
- Property contributions
The system of annual (regular) membership fees provides for three categories with different levels of participation:
Professional level (category 1) - 999 rubles / year
Advanced level (category 2) - 499 rubles / year
Basic level (category 3) - 150 rubles / year
How to join the Association of RM and REE
1. Determine the required level of participation by reading the regulation on membership fees
2. Send application form about the entry into the name Chairman of the Association, containing information about the selected category of membership
3. Admission of new members is carried out by the decision of the Board of the Association of RM and REE on the basis of the submitted application
4. Receive notification from the Association of RM and REE about the results of the Board's vote on admission to membership
5. Pay the entrance and annual (regular) membership fee in accordance with the selected category
Contact person for joining the Association of RM and REE – Khromova Elena Andreevna,
tel .: (495) 508-88-08 доб.194