Import substitution projects
Tugansky GOK
Development of a lithium deposit
Tugansky GOK
Development of a lithium deposit
Zashihinsky deposit
Tomtor field
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Tugansky GOK
Development of a lithium deposit
Zashihinsky deposit
Tomtor field
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Zashihinsky deposit
Tomtor field
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
About projects
Projects in the field of extraction and production of rare and rare earth metals, implemented with the participation of the Association of RM and REE, are aimed at import substitution of the domestic needs of the Russian industry and the development of export potential.
Today, the Roadmap is one of the tools for monitoring and promoting the development of the rare and rare earth metals industry
Using the capabilities of the Russian mineral resource base, we develop the extraction of valuable components from man-made sources and increase the depth of processing of raw materials

About projects
Projects in the field of extraction and production of rare and rare earth metals, implemented with the participation of the Association of RM and REE, are aimed at import substitution of the domestic needs of the Russian industry and the development of export potential.
Today, the Roadmap is one of the tools for monitoring and promoting the development of the rare and rare earth metals industry
Using the capabilities of the Russian mineral resource base, we develop the extraction of valuable components from man-made sources and increase the depth of processing of raw materials

Principles in the field of project management
Responsibility for the result
Single team
Technology and innovation

Single team
experience and competence of leading experts and industry participants
Responsibility for the result
for optimal results
Technology and innovation