Dialogue with the state on the formation of an industrial policy that takes into account the interests of organizations in the rare industry and rare earth metals, is one of the main activities of the Association.
The range of existing state support mechanisms is not always applicable to all industry entities in the aggregate, which predetermines the need to develop targeted support and individual approaches to revise the legislative framework of the Russian Federation in order to create an enabling environment for the development of the domestic RM and REE industry.
Dialogue with the state on the formation of an industrial policy that takes into account the interests of organizations in the rare industry and rare earth metals, is one of the main activities of the Association.
The range of existing state support mechanisms is not always applicable to all industry entities in the aggregate, which predetermines the need to develop targeted support and individual approaches to revise the legislative framework of the Russian Federation in order to create an enabling environment for the development of the domestic RM and REE industry.
Problems of industry projects

High capital intensity
development and commercialization
Gap technological chains
Entering the market accompanied by difficulties with the formation of a stable supply chain
The fight against imports complicated by price dumping by Chinese manufacturers
Industry transformation
Creating a chain of a full production cycle from ore mining to the production of high-tech products using RM and REE requires finding solutions in the following areas:
Expansion of the range of products
(increasing the depth of processing)
Search and expansion of sales markets
Increase in production volumes
(providing your own needs
and competitiveness in the global market)
Industry transformation
Creating a chain of a full production cycle from ore mining to the production of high-tech products using RM and REE requires finding solutions in the following areas:
Expansion of the range of products
(increasing the depth of processing)
Search and expansion of sales markets
Increasing production volumes (to meet own needs
and competitiveness in the global market)
An increase the level
of public investment in the creation of production facilities and infrastructure
Improving system-wide support mechanisms with taking into account the demand of the industry and targeted support
Simplify access to mining operations minerals on the lands of the forest fund